Who is Alex Batty? – Get to know about him and his trending return update

According to Greater Manchester Police, British teenager Alex Batty, who went missing six years ago and was eventually located in France, has returned to the UK.

While on vacation in Spain in 2017 with his grandfather and mother, Alex disappeared.

The 17-year-old is not under his mother’s parental guardianship, and it is unclear where she is at the moment.

At a press briefing, the force stated that it has not yet determined the circumstances behind his abduction.

Police have not yet decided if to launch a criminal investigation.

On Wednesday, a driver near Toulouse who was traveling through the foothills of the French Pyrenees discovered Alex.

Greater Manchester Police Assistant Chief Constable Matt Boyle delivered the following statement at a press conference on Saturday night: “It gives me great pleasure to say Alex has now made his journey safely back to the UK after six years.”

He verified On Wednesday, a member of the public discovered Alex, who was subsequently picked up at the airport by two specially-trained officers and a family member.

ACC Boyle continued: “Greater Manchester Police are yet to obtain any formal statements from Alex.”

For the previous few years, Alex is thought to have lived a nomadic lifestyle among spiritual groups alongside his grandfather and mother.

He left, according to French officials, because his mother wanted to travel to Finland.

It is thought that Alex spent four days wandering around the hilly regions of southern France before a delivery driver discovered him in the middle of the night.

Fabien Accidini, the driver, claimed to have given the adolescent his phone and permission to use Facebook to get in touch with his grandma, Susan Caruana.

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