Terms and Conditions

Conditions of Use for ShowBizAfrica.net

Here at ShowBizAfrica.net, welcome! Please carefully read these Terms & Conditions as they govern your use of our website. You acknowledge and agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions by accessing or using ShowBizAfrica.net. Using our website indicates that, you agree with our conditions.

1. Ownership of Content and Intellectual Property: ShowBizAfrica.net owns all content on the website, including graphics, photos, videos, and articles. This ownership is safeguarded by laws pertaining to intellectual property.

Content Use: You are free to use this material for private, non-commercial uses. It is expressly forbidden to make any illegal use, including republication, distribution, modification, or duplication.

2. User Behavior
Registration may be necessary for certain functions on our website. You promise to fill out the registration form completely and accurately.

Prohibited Activities: You consent to refrain from any behavior that impedes or limits the use of ShowBizAfrica.net by third parties. Hacking, scraping, and any other attempt to obtain unauthorized access to our systems are prohibited activities.

3. Collection of Private Information: We gather and handle data in compliance with our privacy policy. You agree to the gathering and use of your information as described in the Privacy Policy by visiting ShowBizAfrica.net.

4. Hyperlinks to External Websites
Links to Other Websites: ShowBizAfrica.net might have links pointing to other websites. The actions or content of these linked websites are not under our control. You utilize websites owned by other parties at your own risk.

5. Warranties Not Assured
As-Is Basis: ShowBizAfrica.net is offered “as-is” and comes without any implicit or expressed warranties. The correctness, comprehensiveness, or dependability of any content on our website is not guaranteed by us.

6. Liability Limitation
Liability: Under no circumstances will ShowBizAfrica.net or its contributors be held accountable for any kind of damages—direct, indirect, incidental, special, or consequential—that result from using our website or are related to it in any way.

7. Modifications to the Terms of Service
Modification: These Terms and Conditions may be changed at any moment by ShowBizAfrica.net. Any modifications will take effect right away after the website has been updated with the new Terms & Conditions.

9. Contact Details: showbizafrica.net@1gmail.com

We appreciate your use of ShowBizAfrica.net. We really hope you enjoy browsing our website and discover useful resources on jobs, scholarships, and travel-related topics.